EUR 23857 EN – Toolkit Gender in EU-funded research.
Engender, Genderatwork and Yellow Windows, 2009: all material belonging to this toolkit can be downloaded from the website:
Filles et garçons à l‘école maternelle : Reconnaître la différence pour faire l‘égalité.
Girls and boys in kindergarten: recognizing the difference and working on equality.
Genderatwork asbl, 2010. This brochure exists in French and Dutch.
Diverse Inspirerende Vrouwen van een Andere Afkomst
Inspiring Women with a Different Origin.
A participatory project on the future of equal opportunities for all women in Flanders. Research, surveys and think tank with women with another origin, constructing tham as active partners in the policy. Commissioned by the Flemish Minister for Equal Opportunities, coordinated by the King Baudoin Foundation, 2009. Genderatwork was responsible for the participatory process and the writing of the report that highlighted the results of this project.
Werk maken van diversiteit: Tips&Trics voor adviesraden en lokale besturen. Een praktische gids rond diversiteit in gemeentelijke adviesraden.
The promotion of diversity: Tips & Tricks for advisory councils and local authorities. A practical guide on diversity for local advisory councils.
This sensitizing brochure includes practical exercises and is used in training sessions with the local councils. It was developed in collaboration with four local communities at the request of the Province of West-Flanders in 2010.